Parenting Tips

Why are shared small treats important in building relationships with my children?

Share a donut together. Small treats that are shared have special meaning to kids of all ages. Kids notice when … Read more

Why is feeling valued and loved crucial for self-worth?

Tell your children about the lessons they have taught you over the years. You can buy our entire Parenting Tips … Read more

How can I engage my child in meaningful conversations?

Ask open-ended questions that require more than one-word responses. You can buy our entire Parenting Tips Collection! — it is … Read more

How do I determine if I’m over-controlling or over-indulging my child?

It is critical for you to determine if you are the kind of parent that tends to over-control or to … Read more

How am I responsible for my child’s interests and habits?

People who have followed us are exactly where we have led them. Don’t blame your teen if they love television. … Read more

How can I enjoy the present with my child without worrying too much about the future?

Time goes by quickly and every stage has its joys and struggles. do not focus on the future so much … Read more

Why is letting my child struggle sometimes beneficial?

Letting your child struggle is OK. Don’t believe the lie that, “Good parents do everything they can to keep their … Read more

What’s the value of a family bucket list?

Make a family bucket list and commit to doing one or two things on the list every year, even after … Read more

How can I shift from teaching behavior to fostering a meaningful relationship with my teen?

Parenting is not a task; it is a relationship. Stop trying to teach appropriate behavior and start listening because you … Read more

Why are rules essential in creating a stable home environment?

Over protection sends an implied message, I do not believe you are capable.””” How does my self-esteem as a parent … Read more