Parenting Tips

What’s the real motive behind a teen’s angry outbursts?

Angry teens are trying to gain attention and increase care, not distance themselves. You can buy our entire Parenting Tips … Read more

How do I balance decision-making with my teen without compromising my own needs?

It is important to discuss decisions with your teen but be careful not to place your child’s will above your … Read more

Why is agreement with my spouse more important than being right?

It is better to be on the wrong page with your spouse than on the right page by yourself. You … Read more

How can I use my frustration constructively in parenting challenges?

When our child is less than what we expect, we blame them. Why? Because if someone else is the source … Read more

How can we support teens who seem angry but feel unloved?

Even hostile angry teens are extremely sensitive to the feeling of not being loved. You can buy our entire Parenting … Read more

How important are shared meals for family bonding?

Do you speak to your partner or teen in a way that allows them to understand your feelings? You can … Read more

Why is it important to let children experience failure?

You might be overprotecting your child if you see them as fragile and do not allow for mistakes. You can … Read more

How can I balance loving my child without fostering entitlement?

Moms and dads are more committed to the task of parenting than ever, but kids often behave in entitled ways. … Read more

Why is writing out my feelings before sharing them with my child beneficial?

Write your feelings out before sharing them. You might find that the voices in your head have a harsher message … Read more

How can I help my teen narrow their abilities into excellence?

We all assume we are better at more things than we really are. Help your teen learn how to narrow … Read more